You meander through this site and stumble on this name. Earendil... A name that doesn't make sense, a name that shouldn't make sense.
Earendil - another forgotten character, a man who was shaped by the conflict of his world that rose from the depths of Tolkien's imagination. And you think to yourself that perhaps, things could not get more cryptic than this.
But what do you know about this writer?
You know that somewhere in a corner of the world that is caught in the selective headlights of global amnesia, someone is hunched over a keyboard sending out these missives to you- writing about his life, his world, his country and his place. His place- why the word - place? That word - something... something not quite right with that - "place".
You know that he exists somewhere in Colombo, Sri Lanka... doing a degree, working with youth organizations and dealing with his place in a fractured society, in a fractured land.
You know that for the next few months he is going to be talking to you, telling you parts of his life, parts of his story and painting parts of his world as vividly as he can. And maybe, just maybe then by the end of it all you will look back and say that the you have found something to remember about this forgotten corner of the world.
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